So, for those of you guys who don't know me.....I'm sort a girly person.
Pink rug.
Pink robe.
Pink lamp.
Hello Kitty walls.
Hello Kitty bed.
Hello Kitty plush dolls, baskets, purses, shirts, hoodies, photo albums, photo frames.....
.......it's a much longer list then that, but you get my point, yes?
But lately, a change has begun within me. It's a crazy change that only I can understand.
Black, bland, mundane....the romantic blood reds, the romantic yet dark feeling of escape...it's beginning to all seem so appealing! Have I gone mad? Maybe a phase?
Who knows, all I know is that I'm reading Gothic Charm School, Victoria, Gothic Beauty, and Tea Time much more. I like this feeling. Even if I don't fit into anything, I'm just happy being true to myself. I can't lose my love for ruffles, of course, but I might be pairing them with skulls soon enough, heck, those ruffles may be a rich red, if I see fit.
(also, that's GCS's author in the picture, she's got lovely style, something I would wear everyday if I could....)
I hate to jump around subjects like this, but I think it's time to honestly buy that Classic Lolita dress from Anna House. I'm 17, I have the money, and I really think I can get away with wearing it in public somehow.
What I lacketh, is the balls. I have bought some seeds, and I'm in the process of growing myself a pair. No more excuses. Even if what I sport isn't truly lolita, then fine, as long I like how I'm looking.
Anyways, sweet dreams to all, I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day, my prince was sweet and did what he could, but seeing him today was all I really wanted.
Now, I must find an appropriate daydream to muse on, or a wonderful book to read.