Okay, so to learn about this picture, I suggest you head on over to Detailed Candy and read the recent post about it!
Also, I'm thinking about posting more outfit posts. Any objections? I just like doing them for the motivation to dress better it gives, and because it's nice to give a face to the text you constantly read.
Last night, I got to see Exit Though the Gift shop, a documentary about street art and a very odd French man, a film by Banksy.
Yes, Banksy, THE BANSKY.
This is not only a hilarious film with awesome artwork. Looking deeper, this is a parody of street art, even art in general? I know that sounds dumb to say, but if you watch it, you'll understand. It's worth your time, I promise.
Which means more time to post, draw, and alter 50 or so books until I'm satisfied. I'm also going to get to see Joey and play WoW more often. 8D
Well, I'm heading out. Not much more to talk about but:
KYNA, you've got your blog comments set to approval, I hope you are aware. I can't be sure what comments went through because of that, and I'm sorry you have like 5 billion now...I just didn't see it appear, so...D:
Off to a wonderful Saturday! Hope you have a wonderful one, too!
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